WAYS TO DRIVE WEBSITE TRAFFIC abdallah February 8, 2023


There have never been more options to promote your website, even if your budget is limited or nonexistent. 

One thing to keep in mind before moving on to the various ways of promoting is that you need to have a specific strategy and a plan by means of taking into consideration your audience, the place your business is located, your objectives, etc.

After setting up your strategy wisely, take a look at the various effective ways to drive traffic to your website.

First thing’s first, the more value you offer on your site, the more reasons people will have to visit it.

We’ll start off with;


An SEO strategy is a whole other animal.
Search engine optimization is arguably the biggest thing you can do to promote your website as it’s the practice of optimizing a site for search engines so it can be more visible in search results for relevant queries. 
With over 2 billion websites on the internet and more being created every second, your website may get lost in the sea of content if it is not search engine friendly.

But, here are the SEO basics.

  1. Target keywords; words and phrases people type into search engines including the  long-tail keywords such as “How to use Instagram stories to generate content?”
  2. Link internally; add at least 1-3 links to your pages on your site as it will help drive traffic to those pages while keeping visitors on your site for longer.

One tip for you is to focus on evergreen topics.
While news and trending topics can give you a traffic boost in the short term, they’re not worth the time and effort. Create content around topics that will always be of interest to your audience. These evergreen posts will accumulate traffic and links over time.
Second tip is to use visuals in your blog post. Now it is said that Google is showing more images in regular Search results, giving you more opportunities to rank and increase the appeal of your result and therefore click-through rate.

Social Media

Before you get started with social media, you should consider what your business’s brand voice is, and who your audience is to write and create the suitable content that is useful, interesting, or entertaining for your audience.

And with that being said, focus on the social media platforms that drive the most web traffic based on your country, industry and google’s insights!

Another effective way to drive traffic through social media is through the small area reserved for presenting yourself to your followers on each platform. Whether it’s called a bio or an about section,” you can include a link to your website here. This way, users know where to go if they want to see more from you, helping you easily direct this traffic from social media to your website.

If you’ve got some budget available for promoting your website, consider using them in ads as with it you have a wide array of targeting options available, making it easy to narrow down your target audience. 

Email marketing

Emails should preferably be sent to audiences who have requested communication. If you are sending emails to contacts whose information you purchased, that indicates they haven’t willingly accepted to be contacted, and chances are your email will not be welcomed, or worse, marked as spam.

If you contacted someone whose permission you have gained through earlier interactions, you are more likely to witness increased engagement and performance.


The barrier to increasing website traffic has never been so low. However, you should make sure that you’re exploring multiple promotional avenues to get the maximum benefit from each method of promotion.

Step up your digital strategy and be digital with us.