Converting your followers into dollars can be a challenge, there are many businesses with a significant social media following that don’t convert into actual customers, the problem is that most businesses focus on building an audience without considering whether that audience has a purchasing demand for their product or service. So, how can you build a following that will eventually turn into potential customers? start by following these six tips:
Have a brand and stick with It: a distinct creative voice is crucial to building and keeping an audience on social media.
Engage with your customers: engage with your audience to build trust with current and prospective customers. Respond to comments and messages, thank them for being there, and let them know you “see” them. By building a relationship with your audience, you can establish trust and turn people into loyal customers.
Focus on authenticity: research suggests that nearly 90% of consumers say authenticity is important when deciding which brands, they like and support. Social media users have become astute at filtering out anything resembling inauthentic advertisements, so you won’t be able to fake authenticity in your messaging. People can feel it.
Be consistent: consistency is one of the most important factors in growing your business on social media. Being consistent means posting content regularly and at a predictable frequency, so your audience knows when to expect new content from you.
I have followers now what?
After gaining social media followers, the next step is building relationships with your audience that convert to sales. Here are five simple and easy-to-follow tips to help you turn your followers and fans into paying customers:
- Conduct research on the behavior of your current followers: set aside time to discover who your followers are and what they care about. What do they do for a living? what do they like? what worries them? understanding your audience’s needs will help you to tailor your messaging and offerings to their demands.
- Initiate personalized contact: everyone loves to feel special. Follow up and send your new followers a personalized message that includes a simple, low commitment call to action.
- Stay connected through giving: while promoting your business is important, don’t forget to interact, engage, and provide great content to your followers.
- Find a balance: balance is key to maintaining your followers’ interest. Avoid constantly promoting your product or asking questions. Instead, provide a mix of interactive, personal, and promotional posts.
- Utilize the power of promotion: promote an aspect of your business by creating a social media giveaway that will excite your audience. This is an essential tool as it creates business clarity for your followers, meaning that they better understand what you do and offer. It also generates greater engagement on your social media pages.
- Be loyal: to turn your followers into loyal customers, you must go first. Post content consistently and show your loyalty to them through concern and frequency.
To develop a thriving business on social media, one needs a combination of authenticity, passion, consistency, engagement, and creativity. However, finding the right blend is a personal journey. Follow your own path and do what feels right for you. If you’re interested in learning more about digital marketing, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We will be more than happy to assist you.