How One Man’s Offensive Content Landed Him in Jail; How to Avoid Making the Same Mistake accountmanager July 10, 2023

How One Man’s Offensive Content Landed Him in Jail; How to Avoid Making the Same Mistake

Content creation is a powerful tool for online marketing. It can help you attract, engage and convert your target audience, as well as boost your brand awareness and credibility. But content creation also comes with some risks. If you’re not careful, you might end up offending your audience online and damaging your brand reputation.

You might have heard of the recent case of a man who got arrested for offending Emiratis on social media. He thought he was being funny and edgy, but he actually crossed the line and violated the law. He also faced a lot of backlash from the online community, who condemned his actions and called for his boycott.

This is an extreme example, but it shows how important it is to be respectful and mindful of your audience online. You don’t want to alienate or upset your potential customers, partners or influencers. You don’t want to tarnish your brand image or lose your trust and credibility. You don’t want to face legal consequences of social media bans.

So how can you avoid offending your audience online and protect your brand reputation? Here are some tips from a digital marketing agency to help you create content that is respectful, engaging and effective:

  • Know your audience. Before you create any content, you need to understand who your audience is, what they want, what they value, what they expect and what they are sensitive about. You need to tailor your content to their preferences and interests, as well as their culture, language and norms. You need to avoid topics, words or images that might be offensive, inappropriate or irrelevant to them.
  • Know your brand voice. Your brand voice is the personality and tone of your brand. It reflects your brand values, mission and vision. It helps you communicate with your audience in a consistent and authentic way. You need to define your brand voice and stick to it across all your content channels. You need to avoid using a voice that is too formal or too casual, too serious or too humorous, too aggressive or too passive, depending on your brand identity and goals.
  • Know your boundaries. There is a fine line between being creative and being offensive. There is a difference between being provocative and being disrespectful. There is a balance between being controversial and being harmful. You need to know where to draw the line and how far you can go with your content. You need to avoid crossing the line and hurting your audience’s feelings, beliefs or values.
  • Know your sources. When you create content, you need to back up your claims with facts, evidence and sources. You need to avoid making false, misleading or inaccurate statements that might damage your credibility or expose you to legal issues. You need to avoid plagiarizing or copying other people’s content without giving proper credit or permission.
  • Know the feedback. When you create content, you need to monitor how your audience reacts to it. You need to pay attention to their comments, likes, shares, reviews and ratings. You need to listen to their feedback and learn from it. You need to avoid ignoring or deleting negative feedback, unless it’s abusive or spammy. You need to avoid arguing or fighting with your audience online, unless it’s constructive or respectful.


Creating content is not a walk in the park, but it’s worth the effort. It can help you shine online and achieve your marketing goals. But you need to be careful and ethical with your content. It’s a professional job that requires skill, experience and strategy. Having millions of followers or viral videos is not enough. You need to have a clear vision, a consistent message and a reliable partner who can help you achieve your goals.

Don’t fall for content creators who may jeopardize your brand with their controversial or unethical content. Don’t risk your brand reputation and your customer loyalty. Partner with professionals who know how to create effective and engaging content that connects with your audience and reflects your values.

Finally, content creation is a serious and professional job that requires respect for the culture and values of the audience. Some countries take good care of content creators and social media users by enforcing laws and regulations that prevent offensive or harmful content. One example is the United Arab Emirates, which recently ordered the arrest of a man who filmed a video inside a luxury car showroom that insulted and ridiculed Emirati society. We applaud such a decision, as it educates other businesses, brands and marketers to be careful and responsible with their content. It also shows that the UAE respects its citizens and protects its public interest from online trolling.