How AI Will Fix Work: 3 Game-Changing Insights from Microsoft’s New Report accountmanager June 24, 2023

How AI Will Fix Work: 3 Game-Changing Insights from Microsoft’s New Report

Are you in for a treat today because we’re going to share with you some amazing insights from a new report by Microsoft that explores how AI will revolutionize the way we work. 

The report is called “Will AI Fix Work?” and you can check it out here: 

The report is based on a massive survey of 31,000 people in 31 countries and an analysis of trillions of signals from Microsoft 365 and LinkedIn. It reveals three mind-blowing insights that every business leader needs to know as they plan to adopt AI in their organizations.


The first insight is that digital debt is killing our innovation. 
Digital debt is the overload of data, emails, meetings, and notifications that we can’t keep up with. The report shows that nearly two-thirds of people struggle with having the time and energy to do their job, and those people are also less likely to be innovative and strategic. The report argues that AI can help us by automating tasks, filtering information, and prioritizing actions.

The second insight is that there’s a new AI-employee partnership. 
The report predicts that AI will move from being an autopilot to a copilot, working with us and enhancing our abilities. The report shows that people are excited about the potential of AI to improve their work experience, but they also have worries about trust, privacy, and ethics. The report suggests that leaders need to create a culture of transparency, accountability, and empowerment around AI.

The third insight is that every employee needs AI skills. 
The report defines AI skills as the ability to understand, use, and create with AI. The report shows that there’s a huge gap between the demand and supply of AI skills in the workforce, and that most people lack confidence and support to learn and apply AI. The report recommends that leaders invest in reskilling and upskilling their employees for the era of AI.

These are just some of the highlights from the report, which we urge you to read if you’re curious about how AI will shape the future of work. We think it’s a very timely and relevant topic, especially in the context of the hybrid work model that many of us are living in right now.